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Temple Plan


      The main shrine will house Lord Sri Lakshmi Narasimha.

      Other shrines will be for Goddess Mahalakshmi, Goddess Andal, Lord Sri Sudarsana,  Lord Garuda and Lord Anjaneya

      Utsava Murthis (Idols of gods used during religious festivals / processions)  of all the main deities will be installed along with            Swami Nammazhwar, Swami Thirumangai Azhwar, Bhagawad Ramanuja and Swami Vedantha Desika. Other Utsava Murthis          will be installed as needed.

Temple Development Plan

SLNT Plan.jpg

Monday - Thursday : 9:00 AM   - 12:00 Noon

Friday : 9:00 AM- Noon , 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday : 9:00 AM  - 5:00 PM

Note: The last aarthi will be half an hour before closing.  

Temple Timings

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple

3705 S.Swartz Rd,New Berlin,WI 53146

Email :

Phone : Contact Krish or Jayashree Narayanan @ 262 744 7222

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